Indian Constitution Of India

Indian constitution of india

Indian Constitution Of India In Hindi

The Indian Constitution is unique in its contents and spirit. Alhough it had picked up many best features from other constitutions of the world. The constitution of India has several salient features that distinguish it from the constitutions of other countries. Many people criticise that the Indian Constitution is a bag of borrowings or just a paper and scissor work. It is true that it had borrowed some features but drafted according to the Historical perspective, Geographical diversity and Cultural and traditional characteristics of India. The chairman of drafting committee Dr. Avg internet security license key.

How can the answer be improved? Constitution of India contains 395 articles in 22 parts. Additional articles and parts are inserted later through various amendments. There are also 12 schedules in the Indian Constitution. Those who are looking for a summary of the Indian Constitution, this post might be the right place to start with. The Constitution of India has many distinctive features of its own. The main features of the Constitution of India includes: voluminous, federal nature, parliamentary form of government, written constitution, has a preamble, guarantees fundamental rights, provides directive principles, and uniform citizenship.

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